LEGO: Embracing Microsoft 365 Platforms for Enhanced Collaboration

LEGO Systems has revolutionized how people play and work together. LEGO, the world’s most reputable company and creator of the iconic LEGO bricks, has revolutionized how people play and collaborate. This blog will examine how LEGO Systems has used technology and collaboration in order to create a collaborative and productive culture.

LEGO Legacy: The Toy of the Century

In 2000, LEGO was awarded the title of toy for the century. This honor cemented LEGO’s reputation as more than just a toy. It also made it a brand of innovation and love that has left a lasting impression on the world. This recognition is the culmination of decades of creativity and dedication that LEGO has brought millions of people around the world.

LEGO’s popularity can be attributed in part to its emphasis on collaboration and playing together. LEGO sets, unlike many other toys, are interactive and encourage collaboration. Building with LEGO bricks is a fun activity that siblings, parents, and friends can share.

LEGO’s commitment to fostering creativity is a key element of its appeal. Playtime isn’t just about fun; it’s also about learning important skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking. LEGO sets offer endless opportunities for creating and building, allowing both children and adults to explore their creative side and bring ideas to life.

LEGO’s popularity is also due to its universal appeal. LEGO offers something for everyone, regardless of gender, age, or nationality. The diversity of LEGO sets, including licensed ones based on movies and franchises, as well as classic themes such as cityscapes and exploration of space, ensures there will always be a set to capture the interest of individuals and groups.

LEGO’s commitment to quality and innovation is also a major factor in its success. The brand is known for consistently delivering durable products of high quality, which ensures that LEGO creations will stand the test. LEGO is constantly pushing the limits of what bricks can do by introducing new colors, elements, and building techniques. This keeps fans engaged and excited.

LEGO is more than just a toy. It is a global phenomenon that inspires not only children but adults as well. LEGO sets are now prized as collector’s pieces, both for their nostalgia and to show the enduring appeal of the brand. LEGO-themed exhibitions, conventions, and events attract fans who want to share their love of the iconic bricks.

LEGO’s recognition as the toy brand of the millennium in 2000 is a testament to its legacy and ability to capture millions of hearts. LEGO will continue to adapt and evolve to meet the needs of the market. One thing is certain: its position as a popular and innovative toy brand in the industry remains secure.

LEGO Systems Embraces Microsoft 365 Platforms for Enhanced Collaboration

LEGO Systems, a company known for its iconic building blocks and its commitment to collaboration, understands the value of technology. LEGO Systems, with the aim of providing a controlled collaboration tool to their diverse workforce that is governed and controlled, made the strategic choice to adopt Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365. The move has improved their ability to collaborate effectively.

Technology and Collaboration: The Importance for Productivity

Collaboration is essential in today’s fast-paced business world. Technology plays an important role in facilitating collaborative work by providing tools and platforms to enable seamless communication and collaboration.

LEGO Systems recognizes the importance of using technology to enhance collaboration and productivity in their organization. Microsoft 365 has improved their ability to work together in real-time, but it also streamlined processes that increased efficiency and productivity.

Microsoft Teams: A Centralized Collaboration Hub

LEGO Systems, as part of its adoption of the Microsoft 365 platform, has adopted Microsoft Teams as its central hub for collaboration. Microsoft Teams allows employees to communicate, collaborate, and share documents securely and in a controlled environment.

Michael Pedersen played a key role in the implementation of Microsoft Teams at LEGO Systems. He made sure that Microsoft Teams was implemented smoothly and provided employees with training and support in order to make the transition seamless.

Microsoft Teams allows LEGO Systems employees to collaborate regardless of where they are physically located. Teams can work together in real-time using features such as chat, video conference, and file-sharing. This allows for faster problem-solving and decision-making. It has been especially useful for LEGO’s diverse staff, who are located in different time zones and regions.

Microsoft 365 Platforms that Enhance Collaboration

LEGO Systems, in addition to Microsoft Teams, has adopted other Microsoft 365 Platforms to enhance collaboration and productivity.

Ulrik Skadhauge Jensen played a crucial role in identifying these platforms and implementing them. He was able to customize the tools to meet LEGO Systems’ collaboration needs because of his expertise and knowledge of the company.

LEGO Systems has also implemented the following Microsoft 365 platforms:

  • SharePoint LEGO Systems uses SharePoint as an intranet and document management platform. It allows employees the ability to securely store, share, and access files, ensuring everyone has up-to-date information.
  • OneDrive LEGO Systems employees can save files and sync them across all devices with OneDrive. It ensures their work will always be accessible, even if they are working remotely.
  • Microsoft Planner LEGO System uses Microsoft Planner to manage tasks and collaborate on projects. Teams can assign tasks to each other, set deadlines, and monitor progress. This ensures that projects are completed smoothly and on time.

Microsoft 365 Platforms: Benefits

LEGO Systems has benefited from the adoption of Microsoft 365, which has improved collaboration and productivity across the organization.

  1. Microsoft Teams allows for seamless communication and collaboration between team members.
  2. Efficient Document Management: LEGO Systems employees are able to access and share documents with SharePoint and OneDrive easily. This promotes efficient document management.
  3. Microsoft Planner helps teams manage projects efficiently by ensuring that tasks are assigned and tracked.
  4. Microsoft 365 platforms offer remote collaboration to LEGO Systems employees, allowing them to work anywhere at any time.
  5. Microsoft 365 Platforms Boost Productivity: By streamlining workflows and providing seamless collaboration tools, Microsoft 365 has boosted the productivity of an organization.

Michael Pedersen’s and Ulrik Scadhauge-Jensen’s adoption of Microsoft 365 by LEGO Systems has revolutionized the collaboration within the company. LEGO Systems, through its strategic management and implementation, has created a collaborative work environment that improves communication, productivity, and teamwork. This investment in tech reflects LEGO’s commitment to providing its workforce with the tools and resources that it needs to thrive today in a modern workplace.

Switching from Skype for Business to Teams

LEGO has not been immune to the COVID-19 virus pandemic. LEGO, as the world adapted to remote working, recognized the importance of adopting a robust collaboration and communication platform in order to provide a seamless employee experience. The company switched from Skype for Business over to Microsoft Teams.

LEGO chose Teams because it needed a solution that was comprehensive and integrated to support its globally dispersed workforce. It was important to have a platform that could facilitate communication and collaboration among employees who were spread out across time zones and geographic locations.

LEGO faced a number of challenges during the transition, including ensuring that their employees had a seamless and uninterrupted experience. In order to address this issue, they upgraded their VPN infrastructure. LEGO tripled the VPN bandwidth to ensure a high-performance network connection for its remote workers.

LEGO also decided to exclude Teams’ VPN tunnel. This decision was critical in optimizing the network resources and ensuring an efficient and fast communication experience. LEGO bypassed unnecessary network overheads by removing Teams from its VPN tunnel. This allowed them to deliver real-time collaboration and communication capabilities to their staff.

The switch from Skype for Business to Teams improved not only communication but also collaboration within LEGO. Teams have a variety of features to help employees work effectively together, no matter where they are located. Employees can collaborate more easily with features such as chat, video conference, file sharing, and project management tools.

LEGO’s adoption of Teams has had a positive effect on productivity. The intuitive interface of the platform and its user-friendly design made it easier for staff to use and navigate. The platform’s intuitive design and user-friendly interface have made it easier for employees to navigate and utilize its various features.

Teams have also proven to be an effective tool in fostering a feeling of community and connection between LEGO employees. It is important to maintain employee engagement and a feeling of belonging. Teams provide features like virtual meetings and channels that are dedicated to certain teams or projects. This allows employees to communicate, exchange ideas, and collaborate informally.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated LEGO’s move from Skype for Business over to Teams. Remote work has become the norm, and a communication and collaboration system that is comprehensive and integrated has become essential. LEGO’s global workforce was provided with a high-quality experience by excluding Teams and tripling VPN bandwidth. It has improved employee engagement and productivity. LEGO’s transition from Skype for Business (formerly known as Skype for Business) to Teams shows its commitment to digital transformation. It also demonstrates their desire to enable their employees to thrive even in a remote working environment.

Empowering employees with tips and tricks

LEGO understands the importance of learning and improving continuously. In order to empower their employees, LEGO created a Yammer group dedicated to sharing tips for using Teams.

This initiative has proven to be a valuable tool in helping employees get the most from the collaboration tool. LEGO fosters innovation by encouraging a culture that encourages continuous improvement and learning.

Share your tips and tricks to help others.

LEGO has created a platform for employees to share tips and tricks on Yammer. This allows them to access a wealth of knowledge and expertise. It not only improves their personal skill set but also benefits the whole organization.

Employees can share best practices, shortcuts, and creative workarounds to use Teams efficiently through the Yammer board. Knowledge sharing allows individuals to be more competent in their work and to explore new possibilities with the collaboration tool.

Yammer’s openness and collaboration foster a sense of community and camaraderie between LEGO employees. They can connect with colleagues in different departments and teams who have unique insights. This collaboration across departments and teams promotes a learning culture by allowing employees to expand their perspectives.

Drive Continuous Improvement and Learning

LEGO’s initiative of sharing tips and tricks on how to use Teams is in line with its commitment to learning and improving continuously. LEGO’s commitment to continuous learning and improvement is reflected in its initiative of sharing tips and tricks for using Teams.

Employees can stay up-to-date on new Team features and updates through the Yammer board. Their peers can teach them about shortcuts that save time, advanced functionality, and best practices. It allows users to be more productive and take advantage of the full potential that the collaboration tool has to offer.

The Yammer board also provides a place for employees to share feedback and make suggestions on how Teams can be improved. LEGO values its employees’ input and actively seeks out their improvement ideas. It not only encourages employees to feel valued but also a sense of ownership and accountability in the organization.

Creating a culture of collaboration and growth

LEGO’s emphasis on sharing tips and tricks for using Teams encourages a culture that is collaborative and grows. It stresses the importance of continual learning and encourages staff to take responsibility for their professional development.

Employees become more invested and engaged in their work by actively participating in Yammer discussions. They will be more inclined to experiment with new features, share their insights, and explore different approaches. It creates a positive feedback loop where everyone can benefit from each other’s expertise and contribute to the growth of the company.

The culture of learning and improving continuously extends well beyond the use of Teams. The same mentality is encouraged in other areas of work. Employees are constantly looking for ways to improve their skills and contribute towards the success of the organization.

LEGO’s Yammer Board for tips and tricks is empowering their employees. LEGO’s Teams collaboration tool is optimized by fostering a culture that encourages knowledge sharing. This initiative enhances not only individual skills but also productivity and innovation in the organization. LEGO encourages employees to achieve their full potential by fostering an environment of open collaboration and collective development.

Microsoft Viva Meetup: Looking to the Future

LEGO, the world-renowned toy manufacturer, is constantly on the lookout for innovative technologies that can enhance employee productivity and well-being. Microsoft Viva is one of the technologies that caught their eye. Microsoft Viva’s comprehensive set of tools and features promises to revolutionize how organizations improve employee engagement and streamline workflows.

Improving Employee Welfare:

Microsoft Viva’s focus on employee wellbeing is one of the reasons LEGO is so excited about it. The platform provides tools and resources to help employees better manage their work-life integration. Insights, for example, provides personalized recommendations to build healthy habits such as taking regular breaks, being active, and maintaining a healthy sleeping schedule.

Microsoft Viva Connections allows employees to remain connected and engaged even while working remotely. It is a central hub for company updates, news, and announcements. This helps employees feel more connected with the LEGO community.

Enhancing Productivity:

In addition to promoting employee well-being, Microsoft Viva also offers a range of productivity-enhancing tools that LEGO is eager to leverage. Topics, the platform’s artificial intelligence-powered app, allows employees to access the collective expertise of their colleagues.

LEGO believes this capability of knowledge sharing will allow employees to make more informed decisions and encourage innovation within teams. Microsoft Viva’s ability to provide employees with critical information quickly boosts productivity at LEGO and encourages a culture that values continuous learning.

Introducing Logitech MeetUp:

LEGO is interested in Microsoft Viva and the Logitech MeetUp System for their conference room. LEGO, an organization that thrives off collaboration, understands the value of effective communication and seamless group work.

Logitech MeetUp offers high-quality audio, video, and other capabilities. The system is designed to ensure a smooth meeting experience in even large conference rooms. The 120-degree Field of View (FOV) camera allows everyone in the room to be clearly captured without distortion.

Logitech’s MeetUp system includes audio technology that ensures crystal-clear sound without the need for speakerphones or additional microphones. The LEGO team will enjoy a better meeting experience as the process is simplified.

The system’s intuitive interface and remote control make it simple for employees to access features such as screen sharing and document collaboration and control meeting settings.


LEGO is thrilled by the possibilities that Microsoft Viva offers, as it can improve employee productivity and well-being. LEGO’s goal is to foster a work environment that encourages creativity, collaboration, and continuous improvement by prioritizing effective communication and employee engagement.

Conclusion: A collaborative culture powered by technology

LEGO Systems is a great example of how technology and collaboration can drive productivity and foster a collaborative culture. LEGO’s self-motivated employees and their commitment to embracing new technologies continue to inspire millions of people around the world.

In this blog series, we’ve explored how LEGO Systems built a culture of collaboration and leveraged technology for remarkable success. LEGO’s open workspaces and emphasis on creativity and teamwork have created a culture where people can thrive.


LEGO’s organizational structure and practices reflect its commitment to collaboration. Open workspaces have been implemented to encourage communication and interaction between employees of different departments and teams. LEGO encourages collaboration by removing physical obstacles and encouraging face-to-face interaction.

LEGO also uses digital collaboration tools in addition to its physical spaces. Online platforms allow employees to collaborate on projects in real-time and exchange ideas, no matter where they are located. It allows teams to work efficiently even when they’re not in the same place.


LEGO is aware of the importance of technology, and they actively integrate it into their business. They know that technology can enhance productivity and innovation, as well as streamline processes. LEGO is constantly exploring new ways to use cutting-edge technology.

LEGO, for example, has integrated robotics and automation into its manufacturing process. They can now produce their iconic blocks at a higher scale and more efficiently. LEGO’s embrace of technology allows them to meet the increasing demand for their product while maintaining high standards.

LEGO uses technology to enhance collaboration and communication. Digital tools have been implemented to facilitate virtual meetings, online document sharing, and video conferences. It not only improves their efficiency but also allows seamless collaboration between teams located in different places.

Inspiration and Innovation:

LEGO’s culture of collaboration and technology embrace allows them to innovate and inspire. Their employees are encouraged to explore new ideas, find alternative solutions, and push the limits of creativity. The result is the creation of innovative products and experiences for both adults and children.

LEGO’s commitment to innovation goes beyond its internal operations. The company actively collaborates with external partners, such as research institutes and universities, to explore new technologies and ways to utilize them. LEGO engages in open innovation to stay at the forefront of technology advancements. They use them to improve their products and services.

LEGO Systems is a great example of how technology and collaboration can foster a collaborative environment and drive productivity. LEGO’s employees are empowered to innovate and create through open workspaces, digital tools for collaboration, and a focus on innovation. By embracing technology and collaboration, they show that companies can adapt to a constantly changing landscape and thrive.

LEGO inspires millions of young and older builders to dream and to create as they continue to push the boundaries for creativity and imagination. Their success serves as a powerful reminder of how technology and collaboration can help shape a better world.

Tijo Joy Pallikkara

Tijo Joy Pallikkara

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